approximation and errors

2007-04-13 12:04 am
1. the length of the line segment AB on the right is measured using a ruler (a) in cm and (b) in mm respectively, find in each case (the line is 3.5 cm)

(i) the absolute error ( the actual length is 3.548 cm)

(ii) the relative error

(iii) the percentage error,correct to 3 significant figures.

回答 (1)

2007-04-13 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because the absolute error of cm is not counted from 3.5
It is counted from 4 cm. (3.548 => 4 nearest cm)
a) relative error = 0.452 / 3.548 = 113/887 = 12.7%
b) 0.048 is right. 0.048 / 3.548 = 12/887 = 1.35%
參考: me

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