急!! 入數(book-keeping)問題: eletronics

2007-04-12 10:36 pm

1. Cable
3. 編程器
4. 適配器
5. ram
6. handset
7. headphone
8. switch
9. 電源供應器
10. 直流電源
11. Software
12. Hardware
13. Display card
14. USB傳輸線
15. ...w/ warranty card
16. 拖板﹑插頭

邊d可以入asset?邊d入expenses? Dep又點計?

如果3-10和12-15是不同日子買入的資產, 我是不是要用pro-rata basis計折舊? 如果公司在我入去前有其他電腦資產,但除了auditor report外無其他record,即無公司自己的depreciation record,我可以點入數呀? software同hardware的折舊方法我可以從哪些source找到? 我只是個book-keeper,如果我老細要我入d我唔認為應該入的expense,佢同我講「同我講呢d唔應該入嘅應該係auditor」,我係未唔需要為expenses I catagorize負責?


係有pooling system,但我睇唔明,好似一個說什麼20% allowable,100% allowable的...都不知從何而來... T^T 我係未應該找會計師樓問下佢有無公司的dep record呀? 分類呀果d都直接問佢地就ok架勒ho?

回答 (2)

2007-04-15 5:10 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. Cable---------------------Sundry Expenses (E)
2. DVDR--------------------Comsumable (E)
3. 編程器
4. 適配器-
5. ram
6. handset
7. headphone
8. switch
9. 電源供應器
10. 直流電源
11. Software===============Computer Software (A)
12. Hardware
13. Display card
14. USB傳輸線
15. ...w/ warranty card
16. 拖板﹑插頭================Sundry Expenses (E)

邊d可以入asset?邊d入expenses? Dep又點計?

You can see from your purchases invoice for the computer as a whole lot (item from 3-10,12-15) and you can record this transaction as "Computer Equipment". This is a "Assets".

Depreciation of computer usaully take 50% . Supppose your computer costs you $30,000. Then the depreciation for this year would be $15,000. Computer software is 100% depreciated.

During the annual audit, the audit would use the "Pooling System" for calculate the "depreciation (say 30%) of the profit tax computation before submit the audited account to IRD.

Audit adjustment for the difference between accounting depreciation and Pooling system depreciation would be provided by the auditor.

2007-04-15 11:29:27 補充:
Depreciation is based on pro-prata basis e.g. $10,000 x3/12. Previous depreciation provided, you can ask auditor for a copy of last year audit adjustment about depreciation provided.

2007-04-15 11:29:51 補充:
You don't need to know about pooling system, it is auditor business. May be you can study a degree course on near future to know about the whole picture.
2007-04-13 10:21 am
你所顯示的...全部都是電腦用品, 是否一台機所友出的費用呀?如果是, 就一條總數入 ASSET 就可以了. 如果不是, 就當作 EXPENSES

DEP 通常是 5 年...但電腦2-3年就要 UPDATE, 計唔計 DEP 都沒所謂的, 你可以直接請教自己的會計師樓問下意見。

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