✔ 最佳答案
1. Sir/Mad'm, would you like to pay in Cash or Credit Card?
2. We're so sorry that we can only accept XX bank or XX bank's cards.
客人付錢時, 你可以這樣說:
1. The total is $2,382 (two thousand three hundred & eighty-two) please.
客人付錢時 (無論現金或credit card), 你便說: thank you very much!
如要找錢, 便說:
1. Here's the change of $18 (eighteen dollars)
在這時, 再說:
Thank you for your purchase! You're very welcome to come again & enjoy your shopping!
還有, 有時可能客人有查詢, 例如:-
1. 如客人想問可不可以以其他貨幣付款, 你可以答:-
a. Yes, we accept USD.
b. So sorry that we only accept HKD.
2. 如客人在付錢後想換一些貨, 或問退錢的可能, 你可以說:-
a. We can help you to change to another item/style which is not less than the amount you just paid (我們可讓你換貨, 但價錢是不可比你已付款的少 - 多數都不能退貨吧)
b. Sorry sir/mad'm, we can let you change to take another item/style instead of returning the money to you (很抱歉, 我們可讓你換款, 而不可退款)