Handel d 歌係咩style

2007-04-12 9:53 pm
Handel d 歌係咩style
中文and英文 thx@@

回答 (2)

2007-04-13 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Handel D 歌係 polyphonic style, i.e.simultanous or various different high or low melodies sounding together, usually in 2,3 or 4 parts. Each part can be sung by choir with string quartet or can be played by the orchestra.

The polyphonic style is a common compositional technique used in the baroque period.

2007-04-12 23:21:33 補充:
'simultanous' should be spelled as 'simultaneous'
參考: my own musical knowledge
2007-04-13 1:36 am
巴洛克時期 baroque period

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