英文gram ga野

2007-04-12 8:01 pm
Some of my friends tell me that it doesn't take much longer to get to work on the commute train than by taking the city buses.點解要用to get to GA?? to get to咩意思ar?

回答 (4)

2007-04-12 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think "to get to " in this sentanse means 去做一些事。
to get to work means 去返工。

You have to remember this sentance structure.
2007-04-12 9:21 pm
to get to work = to reach the work place

In different circumstance, the meaning could be very different
參考: ................
2007-04-12 8:36 pm
to get to work = to reach the work place

In different circumstance, the meaning could be very different


to get to know you = to know you, it's an add-on
to get to die= to be able to die
2007-04-12 8:11 pm
應該係甘睇, doesn't take much longer to/ get to/ work... 係呢道, work既意思係解工作既地方,變成一個名詞, get to 係verb 去, get to之前既 to 係跟前面 take much longer, 全句既意思係 唔需要太多時間去到工作既地方.

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