上唔到網, 救命!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20分

2007-04-12 7:16 pm
無線網絡顯示已連線, 但係始終都係上唔到網,

屋企本身上網個router 同modem 連住, 而我個電腦(响另一間room)係用無線上網. (有receiver)

我試過'蚊'晒 router & modem d線再connect 過, 但係都唔work.....

打去netvigator 問, 佢地話modem 冇問題......

點算... 我真係好想上網... urgent!!!!! -_-

回答 (3)

2007-04-12 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你睇睇你Wireless個Network Connect Status~

<received>得百幾(OR可能得零==”),錦得2個原因~~(天氣~OR你個modem 壞左。。。。不過你話冇壞。。。。錦我都唔知==”)

2007-04-12 11:33:35 補充:
係喇~你睇睇你個modem,有冇D咩燈本身「著」ge ,依家唔「著」or本身係green燈,依家係red。

2007-04-12 12:08:16 補充:
參考: 一個電腦成日出現問題的人==”
2007-04-12 7:48 pm
This problem may be caused by several aspect.

1) Firewall - Try to disable the firewall and try again

2) Software Problem - Try to remove recently installed software; check any IP stored in Windows; remove the proxy server settings in Internet option if any.

3) Wireless security - Try to disable the wireless security and try again

You can perform the above procedure first and determine what actions should be taken later.

2007-04-12 7:22 pm

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