
2007-04-12 7:16 pm





回答 (4)

2007-04-13 12:24 am
Of course it is better to talk things before marriage. It helps each other to understand each other and have a good plan before anything happens.

Regarding the money, as you are willing to spend the rest of your life with him/her. It would be good to share ideas and responsibilities. List out all the items the family will spend and list check out for each item who can afford. It would be good to set up a common account (I am using this method myself). All the expense draw out from this account, then all you two would be to work out an amount for each month. After you give your part and your partner give his/hers. Then no need to worry who pays what.

I would suggest a table or list of topics in your mind. Also, ask him/her to list out his/her ideas too. Then talk as a game for each week or each month before marriage. It helps each other to understand each other more and more. Remember, no need to have one common answer, the process is to help each other to understand each other.
參考: my experience and idea
2007-04-12 10:59 pm
無定架,無特別會係咩時候講,有時傾開計咪傾囉! 我阿媽話一個家庭生活,係要大家分工合作,有時你做下有時我做下先得,無突定誰做些什麼家頭細務.

參考: 自己
2007-04-12 8:46 pm
2007-04-12 7:26 pm

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