
2007-04-12 5:15 pm
如果想話呢隻物料因供不應求,已在市場上封了盤, 暫時停售, 如果再有得賣的時侯, 價錢相信會上漲得很利害

回答 (3)

2007-04-12 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Due to the supply fall short of the demand, this material is totally out of stock. Our company will temporary stop selling this material in the market. If by any chance, the supply resume, the price will probably increase dramatically.


Due to short of supply, the asked material is temporary not available. .........


It is the short supply, this material is no long available at the moment.......
2007-04-13 12:22 am
如果想話呢隻物料因供不應求,已在市場上封了盤, 暫時停售, 如果再有得賣的時侯, 價錢相信會上漲得很利害

Due to the heavy demand of this product, the selling of this item is temporary suspended. Possibly, the price of this product will be increased tremendously once resume in the market.
參考: SELF
2007-04-12 6:17 pm
Because if thinks a speech material to fall short of demand, has sealed the plate in the market, temporary suspension of sales, if has again sells, the price believed can rise very much formidably
參考: ME

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