英文好又識business 既人請入黎呀....救救我!!!plz....

2007-04-12 1:30 pm
lee 一個就係份assignment既題目, 請花d時間閱讀...thx


Operations and distribution, Accounting and Finance,
Human Resources,
Management and Leadership
Information Technology and System

plz help help me

如果可以的話, 請講下佢有咩地方可以改進, 例如點樣做多d advertising, marketing, Human Resources等, 佢係有自己既網頁, 係www.steamwhistle.ca , 仲有, 我好似睇唔到有關佢accounting既野, 除左知道佢係用long term loan - 搵investors, 同埋佢既sales 上升到12 million a year之外, 仲有呀, 佢既Management and Leadership都冇咩講到, thx kakuenhongkong解答, 萬分感激

回答 (1)

2007-04-12 2:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it is doing very well. Steam Whistle drinkers are young — maybe 25 to 45 — and they prefer a European-style quality beer, a lager with character. We are especially strong in the 19-to-25 age segment.”

-That is a segmentation in marketing.

First, they would sell SteamWhistle at a discount from imported premium beers. A six pack, for example, goes for $11.95, compared with $12.25 for some imports.

When it came to packaging, SteamWhistle decided its brew would travel in style. It brought back the suitcase, a heavy corrugated cardboard box with a slide-out suitcasestyle handle. “Traditional brewers have cut back on packaging to cut costs,”

-This is cost leadership in terms of operation.

Steam Whistle would also focus on a single product, which would allow it to concentrate its efforts on maintaining quality and driving beer drinker acceptance.

Other breweries launch a beer and then, when sales start to flatten, just create another new one instead of trying to increase sales of existing brands,” he says. “That was not for us.

-They use their core competency to expand.

Frank Heaps kicked in a sizeable amount and, with $400,000 in their pockets, they began looking for a brewmaster, a location and a recipe. Along the way they raised another $4 million fromother investors.

-This is the financial part.

He wanted to turn out a premium, hand-crafted beer; a lager that, with the very first taste, brought back memories of one of the great European beers, a premium lager that would stand head and shoulders above all the others.

Its roundhouse brewery has an adjacent events room where local bands can perform and various neighborhood groups can stage events. The brewery also offers tastings plus brewery tours.

When it came to packaging, SteamWhistle decided its brew would travel in style. It brought back the suitcase, a heavy corrugated cardboard box with a slide-out suitcasestyle handle

-They try to build an unique image. It is a product differentiation and product focus.

We hired the best European- trained brewmaster we could find, sourced the best European ingredients and found that roundhouse location.

-This is human resources.

More of the same, he says. Stream Whistle will continue to produce a single product but the plan is to eventually roll it out nationally.
“We are in this for the long term

-This is about management strategy. They use this strategy to match the product life cycle.

I do not see any IT in the article.

Good Luck

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