
2007-04-12 8:44 am
同埋運動員的呼吸量同平常人有咩分別 ???

求英文答案 !!!

回答 (2)

2007-04-12 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
when we breathe in (inspiration), the diaphragm muscle contracts and become flattened, the external intercostal muscles also contract to move the rib cage upwards and outwards. both will cause an increase in thoracic volume. the pressure in thoracic cavity decrease and become lower than atmospheric pressure. Thus air from atmosphere rush into the lungs and the lung is inflated.

when we breath out (expiration), the diaphragm muscle relax and cause it become dome-shaped. the external interconstal muscle also relax and cause the rib cage move inwards and downwards. both cause a decrease in thoracic volume. the pressure in thoracic cavity increase and become higher than the atmospheric pressure. thus air is forced out from the lungs and the lung become deflated.

athletes' lungs aren't bigger, but their tidal volume and vital capacity will be larger than us due to their training. so they can breathing volume will be greater to facilitate gaseous exchange (O2 and CO2) to support the energy need for and remove wastes from exercise.
參考: myself
2007-04-12 8:48 am



[編輯] 呼吸原理
外肋間肌 收縮 放鬆
內肋間肌 放鬆 收縮
肋骨和胸骨移動方向 外、上 內、下
橫隔膜肌 收縮 放鬆
橫隔膜 扁平 拱形
胸腔容量 大 小
胸腔壓力 小 大
肺部 擴張 縮小
肺內氣壓 低 高
效果 吸氣 呼氣

[編輯] 中醫

[編輯] 其他動物的肺臟

2007-04-13 16:54:40 補充:
In air-breathing vertebrates, respiration occurs in a series of steps. Air is brought into the animal via the airways — in reptiles, birds and mammals this often consists of the nose; the pharynx; the larynx; the trachea (also called the windpipe);

2007-04-13 16:55:40 補充:
the bronchi and bronchioles; and the terminal branches of the respiratory tree. The lungs of mammals are a rich lattice of alveoli, which provide an enormous surface area for gas exchange. A network of fine capillaries allows transport of blood over the surface of alveoli.

2007-04-13 16:55:49 補充:
Oxygen from the air inside the alveoli diffuses into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood to the alveoli, both across thin alveolar membranes.

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