買 LV / Gucci 是否有Quota 限制?

2007-04-12 8:09 am
去歐洲買 LV / Gucci 是否有Quota 限制?
如有Quota 每個人Quota 又有幾多件貨品呢?
買LV / Gucci 等牌子的當地價錢是否等於香港專門店售價的 6至7折呢?

回答 (3)

2007-04-12 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
你到歐洲店買上述品牌, 係需要以passport登記。
2007-04-13 1:18 pm
LV既所有皮革製品都係人手上線, 所以產量唔多, 經常缺貨
因此, 通常遊客一般都會限每人可買2大(袋)3細(銀包)
買完會將你個passport no.、姓名、住址、你買過咩野
如果貨物短缺又或者覺得你似走水貨, 有可能會限買1大2細
甚至比佢check到你近期買過, 1個都唔會再賣比你
不過如果覺得你似係LV fans係自用既有時都會比你買10個8個
所以其實都係要睇sales心情, 如果你同佢有傾有講
好nice咁對佢, 佢有可能會比你買多d, 如果都係買唔夠
出店再入買多1個至2個唔過quota博唔check passport都可以

至於Gucci, 冇限制, 任買

2007-04-13 05:29:17 補充:
忘記答價錢問題當地價錢大約等於香港專門店售價的75折 ~ 85折左右例: 法國買LV item no.M60930銀包係 185€ x 0.88(12%退稅) x 10.53(rate) = HK$1714.284 / 香港價HK$2150 = 8折左右(未計credit card charge fee)

2007-04-13 05:35:36 補充:
Re樓上: LV sales冇commission分, Gucci sales先有
2007-04-12 4:43 pm
I though it is something wrong. There are no limited. They think the customers is honest customers, so I never stop to buy the above blank in UK, Paris..... if you can pay the bill.
The price is about 20% off after tax refund.

2007-04-12 08:46:23 補充:
For example-some japanese buy the LV in HK, did the staff stop the customers to buy a big amount? The answer is NO. It is because they will earn more commission.

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