tense,relative clauses active and passive voice

2007-04-12 7:32 am
有冇人有D tense的表啊...快exam..我想要啊
有冇人知Relative Clauses係點..Active and passive voice 又係點啊


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2007-04-17 7:36 pm
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Passive voice (被動語態)

receiver(承受者/原本句子的賓語) + be + p.p +

by actor(發出者/原本句子的主語)

a. 當個不易說出動作的發出者既情況下, 如:

someone. 又或唔知是誰做的.
My wallet was stolen (by someone). (主動:

Someone stole my wallet.)
His car had already been damaged before that


b. 當動作或狀態的承受者比發出者更為重要
My dog was killed by a speeding car. (我的狗


c. 當個動作發出者係人所共知, 不需要亦不重要去

Rice is grown in China (by farmer).

d. 當我們知道, 但不想提及這件事是誰做的
I was told that we might be able to leave

(主動: Someone told me that we might be able

to leave early.)

不是每句句子都可以改成被動, 只有transitive

verb (及物動詞) 才可以轉成被動句.


b.根據新主語的情況和時態, 把BE加在verb(past

participle) 前並根據原來句子改變時式
c.將原來的主語放在by 之後, someone 之類的主語


Simple Present Tense
Active: Mark helps the boys.
Passive: The boys are helped by Mark.

Present Continuous Tense
Active: Mark is helping the boys.
Passive: The boys are being helped by Mark.

Present Perfect Tense
Active: Mark has helped the boys.
Passive: The boys have been helped by Mark.

Simple Past Tense
Active: Mark helped the boys.
Passive: The boys were helped by Mark.

Past Continuous Tense
Active: Mark was helping the boys.
Passive: The boys were being helped by Mark.

Past Perfect Tense
Active: Mark had helped the boys.
Passive: The boys had been helped by Mark.

Simple Future Tense
Active: Mark will help the boys.
Passive: The boys will be helped by Mark.

be going to
Active: Mark is going to help the boys.
Passive: The boys are going to be helped by Mark.

Future Perfect Tense
Active: Mark will have helped the boy.s
Passive: The boys will have been helped by Mark.

其他tense 如present﹑past﹑ future﹑present perfect﹑past perfect﹑present continue﹑past continue 可以到以下網址瀏覽:

2007-04-17 13:36:21 補充:
Relative clause用pronoun 將兩句主語/賓語重複的句子連接在一起. 如:I thanked the woman.She helped me.合埋一句: I thanked the woman who helped me.The book is mine.It is on the desk.合埋一句: The book which is on the desk is mine.

2007-04-17 13:37:26 補充:
He is the man.I told you about him.合埋一句: He is the man whom I told you about.或者: He is the man about whom I told you.I know the boy.His bicycle was stolen.合埋一句: I know the boy whose bicycle was stolen.

2007-04-17 13:38:10 補充:
The building is new.He lives there (in that building).合埋一句: The building where he lives is new.I'll never forget the day.I met you on that day.合埋一句: I'll never forget the day when I met you.

2007-04-17 13:38:29 補充:
以上除了whose 的例子外, 每一個pronoun 都可以用that 來代替.但我地學grammar 時, 老師一般都唔叫你唔好用that, 而用返相應既字來代替. who 用作人物(subject), whom 用作人物(object),which 用作死物when 用作時間whose 用作人物's 或死物'swhere 用作地方
參考: my knowledge and some handouts

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