
2007-04-12 6:20 am
........I continued walking behind Kyle. Suddenly, a group of boys ran up to him,________ the books from his hands and pushed him to the ground. ....

回答 (7)

2007-04-12 5:23 pm
其實只要見到成句係 simple past tense,就應該知呢個係knocked

1.ran up to him
2.________ the books from his hands
3.pushed him to the ground

一個接一個咁做,冇理由頭尾兩個係simple past tense,中間o個個唔係o者~
2007-04-12 9:52 am
2007-04-12 6:48 am
應該用knocked,因為全句都係用pass tense,試吓下面咁解釋你get唔get到點解:

I continued walking behind Kyle. Suddenly, a group of boys ran up to him,(and that group of boys then) knocked the books from his hands and pushed him to the ground

2007-04-12 6:41 am
knocked, because it happened at the same time as 'pushed him...'. It should be same according to agreement.
2007-04-12 6:30 am
雖然我不明白 為什麼
I continued walking (miss verb to be)

因為 ing 是講一些連續性的動作
books 不能一直地 knocking
2007-04-12 6:28 am
knocked , because it is past tanse
2007-04-12 6:25 am
is knocked
because the pushed have ed
so i think is knocked

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