education and money which important???

2007-04-12 5:54 am
which is important you think??
just write how long you can(in english)

回答 (1)

2007-04-12 6:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think education is more important because it's not just limited to the present. It's for the future too. I know that money is important as well but I also happen to know people who had dropped out of school for money, as in they quited school to get a job. However, the thing is, usually they can't earn a lot of money even if they gave up their education for it because they hadn't even completed their studies.

Although in the sense that when we pay for education, we kind of used money to "buy" knowledge, it is not true that knowledge can be bought. Some people might be able to pay for tertiary education but if they don't work hard for it, they have just bought themselves a certificate instead of real knowledge. Therefore, I believe that education is so much more than money and it's more far-sighted - the attitude we should have for life, to choose education over money.

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