How to make dilute sulphuric acid become concentrated?

2007-04-12 4:55 am
please tell me
The actual question is " describe how large crytals of hydrated copper(II)sulphate can be prepared from sulphuric acid in school laboratory"

I know dilute sulphuric acid would not react with copper.
"can dilute sulphric acid bemome conc. after boiling?"

回答 (2)

2007-04-12 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, add excess copper (II) oxide into dilute sulphuric acid , water and hydrated copper (ll) sulphate will be formed. ( excess copper (II) oxide should be added to ensure all sulphuric acis is being used up)

Chemical equation:
H2SO4(aq) + CuO(s) = H2O(l) + CuSO4(aq)

Secondly, Filter the mixture after the reaction has completed to remove excess copper (II) oxide . The filtrate should be blue in color.

Thirdly, warm the solution in an evaporating dish so as to remove excess solvent. This can help to make the solution became concentrated(saturated).

Then, we must cool the solution SLOWLY, if not, we will not be able to obtain large crystle.

Lastly, wash the crystal with SMALL AMOUNT OF COLD WATER and dry them by filter papers.
參考: me
2007-04-12 5:06 am
呢條係past paper黎架
要做hydrated CuSO4crystals 5係1定要將Cu溶入H2SO4中架~

Add excess CuCO3in H2SO4
Filtrate it so as to remove the residue
(CuCO3 can dissolved in H2SO4 either dil. or conc.)

then boil the solution, to make it more conc.
place it in a covered Petric disc(to prevent dusts) in the room temperature(CRYSTALISATION)

之前應該仲有1部係titration, 但5知你學左未, 學左應該加埋入去

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