swiss cash (瑞士共同基金)可信嗎?

2007-04-12 3:02 am
請問有冇聽過swiss cash (瑞士共同基金)?信得過嗎?這基金買賣,是否乎合香港法律?請問有冇多些關於這公司嘅資料。

回答 (1)

2007-04-12 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Does SwissCash provide transparency on their investment for SIP investors?
No. We cannot possibly explain to everyone how we place, invest and trade with their monies. While an individual investor may invest USD1,000, USD10,000, USD50,000 on SIP, Swiss Mutual Fund places investments of tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. The quantum of investment in SIP investment could not possibly allow Swiss Mutual Fund to explain in detail how an individual’s funds are managed.
http://www.swisscash .biz/web/asc_company .aspx

2007-04-11 22:35:15 補充:

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