請問「近角點」"anomaly" 和 "Pariaphis" 是什麼?

2007-04-12 1:31 am
本人在夏威夷大學的網頁中搜尋衛星資料時, 發現以上名詞....

回答 (2)

2007-04-12 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is 6 type of "anomaly" in Astronomy:
1) Eccentric anomaly, the angle between the direction of periapsis and the current position of an object on its orbit

2) Flyby anomaly, an unexpected energy increase during Earth flybys of satellites

3) Mean anomaly, a measure of time in the study of orbital dynamics

4) Pioneer anomaly, the observed deviation of the trajectories of various unmanned spacecraft

5) South Atlantic Anomaly, the region where Earth's inner van Allen radiation belt makes its closest approach to the planet's surface

6) True anomaly, the angle between the direction of periapsis and the current position of an object on its orbit

And 5 types of anomaly in Geophysics
1) Bouguer anomaly, an anomaly in gravimetry

2) Free-air anomaly, the gravity anomaly that has been computed for latitude and corrected for elevation of the station

3) Gravity anomaly, the difference between the observed gravity and a value predicted from a model

4) Iridium anomaly, a very rare element in the Earth's crust

5) Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, a territory rich in iron ores located within Kursk Oblast, Belgorod Oblast, and Oryol Oblast

The point of closest approach is called the periapsis
2007-04-20 6:47 am

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