
2007-04-12 1:21 am

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2007-04-12 1:25 am
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目錄 [隐藏]
1 地名來源
2 發展概況
3 著名地點
4 交通
4.1 主要交通幹道
4.2 公共運輸
5 資料來源
6 參看

[編輯] 地名來源
淺水灣的中文地名,顧名思義是因為其水深較淺。事實上,淺水灣的海灘呈彎月形,灘床寬闊,加上水清沙幼,所以深受游泳人士歡迎,亦吸引遊人欣賞怡人風光。至於淺水灣的英文地名Repulse Bay,是取名自1840年代曾於該灣停泊的英國海軍軍艦HMS Repulse。香港日治時期,淺水灣曾被改名為綠之濱。

[編輯] 發展概況



Repulse Bay (淺水灣, lit. Shallow Water Bay) is an area in the southern part of Hong Kong Island, located in the Southern District, Hong Kong.

The well-known Repulse Bay Beach is located on a beautiful bay with a long line of coast and smooth sand. It is a Grade 1 beach for its good water quality. In addition, large waves rarely hit the beach, making it an ideal place for swimming.

A panorama shot of Repulse Bay, as taken from the famous "building with a hole" - featuring a full 180 degree view.Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Present
3 Transport
4 See also

[edit] History

Repulse BayIn 1841 the bay was used as a base by pirates and caused serious concern to foreign merchant ships trading with China. The pirates were subsequently repulsed by the British Fleet; hence the name. Another theory holds that the bay was named after the HMS Repulse which was stationed at the bay at one point.

In the 1910s, Repulse Bay was developed into a beach, and the Repulse Bay Hotel was built in 1920. To attract swimmers, a bus route from Central to Repulse Bay was created, and now stands as one of Hong Kong's oldest bus routes. During the Battle of Hong Kong in World War II, Repulse Bay was an important strategic location.

The beach was extended artificially, and thus the sand closer to the shore is coarser than that further away.

[edit] Present

Tin Hau and Kwun Yum statues in Repulse Bay.
The famous building with a hole.The former Repulse Bay Hotel was refurnished to become a shopping mall in 1982, providing fast food, shops and restaurants. The hotel's colonial architecture was retained. Aside from the attraction of the beach, Repulse Bay is also a popular place for family or friends to gather because of its barbecue sites. An on-site supermarket allows visitors to not bring too many things when traveling to the Bay.

On the beach there are large statues of two goddesses, Kwun Yum and Tin Hau. Also overlooking Repulse Bay, although from higher up, is the famous "building with a hole".

The Repulse Bay area is one of the most expensive housing areas in Hong Kong, due to the nice surroundings. The prices are matched only by the mid-levels at Victoria Peak. In 2006, some property prices reached HK$20,000 (US$2,500) per square feet.

Stanley Ho owns both 1 Repulse Bay Road and 4 Repulse Bay Road.

[edit] Transport
Repulse Bay is served by Repulse Bay Road, which connects Wong Nai Chung Gap Road and Tai Tam Road. It is very convenient for people to travel to Repulse Bay as there many bus routes from Central, such as no. 6, 6A, 6X, 260; or the no. 40 minibus. Transportation either takes you express through the Aberdeen Tunnel, or along the slightly longer scenic route.

Beach-goers may also opt to drive there. The beach provides some parking space, and the nearby Repulse Bay Hotel also has parking facilities.
2016-05-06 5:09 am
哈囉 ! 大大


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事後你有什麼問題 打過去給他們 他們都會盡量配合你

你可以去了解看看 !祝你好運~~~
2007-04-12 1:27 am

淺水灣的中文地名,顧名思義是因為其水深較淺。事實上,淺水灣的海灘呈彎月形,灘床寬闊,加上水清沙幼,所以深受游泳人士歡迎,亦吸引遊人欣賞怡人風光。至於淺水灣的英文地名Repulse Bay,是取名自1840年代曾於該灣停泊的英國海軍軍艦HMS Repulse。香港日治時期,淺水灣曾被改名為綠之濱。





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