(特急!!) Ipsa & Shu Uemura 嘅粉底

2007-04-12 12:23 am
皮膚應該是屬於 "混合性" ( T Zone 比較油 & 面頰中性 )
已試用過多隻粉底, 但仍未搵到最合適的...
(已試過的有 SKII, Maxfactor, Ex:Beaute, Covermark, Shiseido... 多到有啲唔記得喇...)

1. 請問 Ipsa & Shu Uemura 的粉底, 哪個品牌比較好用 ?
2. Ipsa 有什麼好 ?
3. Shu Uemura 又有什麼好 ?
4. 煩請各位朋友講解一下...

Many Thanks !!

回答 (2)

2007-04-12 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實兩者黎講IPSA 好似出名一D, 但是你最好都係自己去試就最清楚....

另外, 我都係混合性皮膚, 化完個妝好快甩, KEEP唔耐, 好快出油, 試過好多粉底都唔係咁

好, 其他講真, 用點貴既粉底都無用, 你皮膚唔好就唔上妝....

我睇yahoo 知識知道AVENE 隻MOISTURE MASK好出名, 又專FOR敏感皮膚用,

我直情買埋佢隻RECOVERY CREAM 用, 係FOR 你敏感 OR 唔敏感唔時都用得,

我KEEP 住早晚用, MASK 就連續用幾日, 眼,咀都可以搽, 而家上妝都貼D,

我D朋友都話D皮膚 FINE左好多, 個妝又貼又KEEP到, 妝都唔洗補....

你去COUNTER 問下同 CHECK 下,佢地有部機CHECK皮膚的.......
2007-04-13 5:38 pm
Sorry, I can't type Chinese on this computer.

My skin type is the same as yours (may be a bit drier). I always use creamy foundations.
I have tried foundations of many different brands: Shiseido the Make Up, Shiseido Cdp, Covermark, Biotherm, Benefit, Bobby Brown, Shu Uemura, RMK, Ipsa and Clinique.

Among all these, I think Ipsa gloss water foundation and Clinique Derma White Fluid-Cream Makeup are the best.

These foundations make my skin smoother and brighter. The coverage of them is medium (Clinique better), but they keep good moisture throughout the day.

Shu Uemura creamy foundation makes my face oily. I have to use quite a lot of blotting paper during the day. Some people say its new product, the two-way cake is a good choice as oil control is better, but i've never tried two-way cakes.

RMK creamy foundation can be your another choice. I like its natural and thin look. But oil control is not as good as Ipsa and Clinique.

Hope I can help you.
參考: My experience

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