What is the English of 銅鑼灣鵝頸橋底? (20)

2007-04-11 10:55 pm
What is the English of 銅鑼灣鵝頸橋底?

回答 (6)

2007-04-11 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
銅鑼灣鵝頸橋底 English Name :
under the Canal Road Flyover in Causeway Bay
2007-04-13 3:51 am
Beneath the Canal Road Over-Pass in Causeway Bay
2007-04-12 5:36 am
鵝頸橋真名是堅拿道天橋(Canal Road)
銅鑼灣鵝頸橋底的英文是Goose's neck bridge bottom 或the underneath of Canal Road

2007-04-11 21:38:10 補充:
under the Canal Road Flyover 也是銅鑼灣鵝頸橋底的英文
參考: 維基百料和Dr.eye譯典通
2007-04-11 11:22 pm
香港鵝頸橋正式名是:堅拿道天橋 = Canal Road

銅鑼灣鵝頸橋底 under Canal Road

2007-04-11 15:29:57 補充:
更正: 應該是 under Canal Road Flyover in Hong Konghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canal_Road,_Hong_Kong
2007-04-11 11:01 pm
the place between
2007-04-11 10:59 pm
There is no such explaination on that place. You can simply say it's the place between xx street and xx street where you can find (features of the place) instead

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