
2007-04-11 9:24 pm

可現在的人類變得如此可怕,她不敢相信眼前這一刻,決定與她的好朋友xxx──一匹獨角獸離開森林這片最後的淨土,到人類的世界去看看水晶球所說的一切。(可加插送別的描述) 一路上,她與獨角獸走過熟悉的森林小徑,走向通往一無所知的另外世界的道路上。可天意弄人,這時竟出現了獵人,她與獨角獸一起的美好時光將要結束了。在這時,她們只顧著各自逃命,也沒發現自己已經和同伴失散了。不幸的xxx也被獵人射傷了,昏了過去。








森林精靈xxx見證了人類的惡行,決意消滅這群不懂珍惜、不懂自愛,奢侈無道的人類。就在她高舉魔杖的一刻,她看見了獨角獸xxx和一個小女孩正走著過來。天真小女孩跑到xxx前,看著這美麗的大姐姐:柔軟的墨綠的卷髮垂在肩上,粉頰上有著淺淺的梨窩,長長的睫毛下有一雙閃著珍珠光輝晶瑩的眼睛,小巧的鼻子襯著恰似櫻桃般的朱唇。她身穿著長長的白紗裙,點綴著銀光,身上散出淡淡的香氣和光芒。她天真地說: 「大姐姐,你就是森林的守護者嗎?你在干甚麼啊?」當她和xxx聽到森林精靈的目的後都為之一震。






「既然你站在人類那一旁,那你願意以自己的性命換取人類的性命嗎?」 「何樂而不為?」 說罷森林精靈xxx就用魔杖發出暗綠的火花,刺向xxx,xxx替xxx擋住了,替xxx犠牺了。精靈被此幕感動了,「這次我就這樣算了,可是人類只要這樣下去,總有一天會自取滅亡……」小女孩被埋葬在森林中,陪伴着森林精靈和獨角獸…… 如果這樣下去,人類究竟會怎樣呢?



回答 (3)

2007-04-11 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This was one already the very ancient story, is who wrote, nobody thoroughly understood ......
She, in deep sleep.In this forest, the wind is her messenger, the rain is her teardrops, the thunder is her police says, the forest is her shape.She is developing the earth, is breeding the myriad things.All minds all obtained in here have taken a rest under, protected gently in her is growing, her name was xxx, she on was protecting the forest by such posture.
The wind has brought a unusual breath! Actually is that what! The earth is disturbing, the bird flutters about, the cry eats delicacies the call in airborne is reverberating, she has regained consciousness ......
In the crystal ball, humanity's face how is ugly, that ugly heart by the devil peak yong, not wicked is not being done.Plato said that, human's soul comes from a perfect homeland, only then is pure and is beautiful.The soul arrives this world, it has forgotten hometown all.When but feels in this world all happy things, it can cannot help but be moved.It knew these fine things, come from its native place, that seemed to have met before pure and has awakened its memory happily.Therefore its life all vigorously is seeking that recollection feeling, human's life course is the soul seeks its beautiful hometown homeward journey.

But the present humanity becomes so fearful, she does not dare to believe this moment, decided at present leaves forest this piece of final pure land with a hers good friend xxx── unicorn, has a look all to humanity's world which the crystal ball said.(May insert description which sees somebody off)
all the way, she passes through the familiar forest trail with the unicorn, moves towards on other world path which the path knows nothing about.But the divine intervention makes the human, by now unexpectedly appeared the hunter, she was going to finish with the unicorn together happy time.In by now, they were considering only respective escape, also had not discovered oneself was already separate with the companion.Unfortunate xxx is also shot by the hunter the wound, fainted the past.

2007-04-11 13:30:13 補充:
這是一個已經很古老的故事,到底是誰寫的,沒人通曉...... 她,在沉睡著。在這個森林中,風是她的信使,雨是她的淚珠,雷是她的警言,森林是她的形態。她滋長著大地,孕育著萬物。所有的心靈都在這兒得到了憩息,在她的溫柔呵護下成長著,她的名字是xxx,她就以這樣的姿態守護著森林。風兒帶來了一股不尋常的氣息,啊!那究竟是甚麼!大地在搖撼著,鳥兒紛飛,鳴嘯的呼聲在空中迴盪著,她蘇醒了......

2007-04-11 13:30:41 補充:

2007-04-11 13:31:01 補充:

2007-04-11 13:31:14 補充:
一路上,她與獨角獸走過熟悉的森林小徑,走向通往一無所知的另外世界的道路上。可天意弄人,這時竟出現了獵人,她與獨角獸一起的美好時光將要結束了。在這時,她們只顧著各自逃命,也沒發現自己已經和同伴失散了。不幸的xxx也被獵人射傷了,昏了過去。 獨角獸醒來後發現自己在一間小木屋中,旁邊守着一個小女孩,她個頭不高,臉上總是掛着笑容,正細心地照料著獨角獸。Xxx明白是她救了自己,被小女孩的善良感動了,她和小女孩講述了和xxx失散的經過。經聊天後,她才發現小女孩是個被父母遺棄的孤兒,從小被一個和藹慈祥的老婆婆收養,供給她棲身之所,照料她的日常生活,把她當作自己的親女兒。
2007-04-11 11:40 pm
1.This is a already very old story, who write on earth, no one understands thoroughly ......
She, is sleeping. In this forest, the wind is her courier, the rain is her teardrop, the thunder is her alert speech, the forest is her shape. She is growing the earth, is pregnant with everything. All soul get rest here, become and have under the circumstances that her tenderness is taken good care of, her name is xxx, she defends the forest with such posture.
The wind has brought the breath with unusual one share, oh! That is anything on earth! The earth is giving a violent shake to, the bird flies confusingly, chirp the voice of the whistle reverberate in the sky, she has revived ......
Crystal among the ball, human face very ugly, the devil towering Yong the repulsive heart, evil is not done. Plato says, people's soul comes from a perfect home, pure and beautiful. Soul comes to this world, it has forgotten everything of the hometown. But whenever experience all this beautiful things in the world, it can't help moving. It knows those beautiful things, from it so garden, seem to have met before pure and bright memory to wake up it then. Then its life does one's utmost to seek that feeling of remembering, people's life course is the homeward journey of the beautiful homeland where the soul looks for it.
Very present mankind becomes so terrible, she does not dare to believe this moment at the moment, the decision and her good friend xxx - -One only horn beast leave forest the last pure land, arrive human world is it see crystal everything ball say to go. (can insert other things of giving to describe)
On the way, she and only horn beast pass by the forest path that is familiar with, move towards it on the road leading to other world that knows nothing. But God's will gets people, the hunter appeared unexpectedly at this moment, her bright time together with only horn beast will be over. At this moment, they flee for life justing think of each, have not found either that has already scattered with the companion by oneself. Unfortunate xxx is shot wounded by the hunter too, has lost consciousness.
Only horn beast find oneself among one small log cabin, next door watch over a little girl after waking up, she does not have high stature, always hangs the smile on the face, is attending to the only horn beast carefully. Xxx understands it is she that has rescued oneself, been moved by the kind-heartedness of the little girl, she and little girl have told and xxx scattered process. After chatting, she finds the little girl is an orphan abandoned by parents, adopted by an affable and kindly granny while as a child, supply with the institute that she stayed in, take care of her daily life, regard her as one's own kissing the daughter.
This period of time, xxx is living with the granny with little girl. Very fast, the wound of the only horn beast has healed, she decides to step on the way to look for xxx. The

2007-04-11 15:43:33 補充:
little girl tells her to want to become the companion of xxx, go to look for one's own Papa and Mama. Then thank the granny by every means them, roam about togetherafter wiping away tears and saying good-bye to, go to seek one's own lost companion

2007-04-11 15:43:58 補充:
medicine, meets and gives the food in charity the only horn to their poverty-stricken others too. Xxx meets a lot of kindhearted people, gradually, the only horn beast changes the view on the mankind, side finding people kindhearted. It believes some

2007-04-11 15:44:30 補充:
trouble of that crystal ball will just think the mankind is fierce. It for shoulder people care in it, is it look for defender in full of trees to make great efforts. Making, after xxx and xxx scatter, see that hunter shooting the unarmed doe to death
2007-04-11 9:28 pm

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