我弟弟在法國上英法列車被英國拒絕入境, 可以點上訴?

2007-04-11 7:07 pm
我弟弟兩年前曾申請英國 working visa 被拒, 無提出過上訴, 以為批不到也就算了, 誰知上星期他跟團由瑞士開始玩, 到德國, 法國都沒有問題, 誰知在上英法列車時被英拒入境, passport 還打了一個大交义.

我想問是不是被拒入境就要上訴, 如果不是下一次一樣會有問題? 而且上訴有什麼程序? 或者可以說是「技巧」? 因為今次真的很氣憤!

回答 (3)

2007-04-11 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
申請唔到 working visa 應該唔會影響日後到英國的機會的
氣憤還氣憤, 首先你要攪清楚, 佢今次係因為咩事而被拒絕入境. 佢被拒絕入境後, 有否即時詢問原因? 如果佢乖乖的走, 沒問原因, 咁就冇人幫到佢啦...
如果今次佢比英國拒絕入境, 將來去英國真係會有 d 難度的... 點上訴?? 其實冇得上訴, 因為移民局人員是有絕對權力唔比你入境, 只要佢覺得你有機會危害英國安全, 或覺得你5不誠實, 都可以唔比你入境的... 因此等如 "口同鼻拗" 一樣
如果英國方面有告知佢唔比入境的原因, 返港後可試試到英國駐港領事館, 睇下仲有咩可以做返啦...
2007-04-11 7:48 pm
The above repliers are right but I think the problem is* reject working visa*. It is because his record in the computer, They believed that he would stay in uk to find a job so they don't bother he is tourism or other reason. Furthermore, the immigrant regulation is very serious at the moment. I suggest that if your brother visit uk again in the coming futher, First, get the certificate or document to prove he would back to hk on schedule and submit the evidence to prove he wouldn't stay in UK for a long period. If they reject again, you can ask the HK office in UK for HK Government for help( I don't know the full name of the office, sorry)
2007-04-11 7:11 pm
你可以轉新passport!!! 是沒有show your stamp!! 一個大交义
你如果被拒入境就要上訴, 是很麻煩.... 日後會很多問題去來

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