
2007-04-11 9:31 am
We lost the match!!

1) 我們輸了比賽!

2) 我們遺失了火柴!

邊個解釋先 "arm"?

回答 (4)

2007-04-11 9:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
tense完全冇貼士,如果講火柴的話要有 have,咁就係 have lost ,現在完成式,但點解呢個 tense 只能夠講比賽?


但係如果你真係冇上文下理,就只有用常理推測。火柴一般唔會得一支,但句子話係 the match ,唔知係一支,仲要係邊一支都指定?咁就唔多正常,係人(如果仲要復古用火柴)都係講一盒架啦。所以應該係指比賽。
2007-04-11 9:56 am
They both can be correct.

It depends on how you want to use it.

We lost the match. It is like we lost the game.

If multiple people are sharing one match to light something, the match suddenly got lost.

You can say "We lost the match." "The" implies one here.

(You are using "WE.") If you and your friends all have matches in your hands and the matches disppear all of a sudden, you all can say "We lost our matches."

If you lose the games, you can say "We lost our matches."

Back to that! "It depends on how you want to use it."

2007-04-11 02:08:12 補充:
I am sorry! I live and work in the US. My American co-workers behind my desk do not understand "We have not matches." I may be wrong. Nothing offensive! I think you mean we have lost our matches.

2007-04-11 02:34:11 補充:
IBelieveYou ( 小學級 5 級 )My American co-worker answered your question. We all have Master or PhD in engineering in our office. I am not emailing you from Hong Kong. I am at my work in New York City. Do you believe in a native-English speaker (American)?
2007-04-11 9:40 am
2007-04-11 9:37 am


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