what is "feed up"?

2007-04-11 9:04 am
You are fed up with the government. You think they have made too many mistakes.

我唔明 "fed up"!!

回答 (3)

2007-04-11 12:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
只要 is/am/are/was/were/has been/have been/had been + fed up,永無 feed up。一定係 passive voice,否則當係一個形容詞咁記/用都可以。

fed up 為頂唔順,忍無可忍之意。
2007-04-11 9:10 am
(Fed up) means sick of or tired of something.

You cannot take it anymore.

Feed up makes no sense.

You cannot use (Feed up) in any context.

You say I am fed up...
2007-04-11 9:06 am
你厭煩政府。 你認為他們犯了許多錯誤

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