I'm lazy. Can you make me not lazy?

2007-04-11 12:52 am
Tell me the steps to not being lazy. Give me all the details.

Please make sure that I don't have to do any hard work, though.

回答 (13)

2007-04-11 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your not lazy you are an expert rester I think you should go Pro Man good luck.
2007-04-11 7:58 am
Sure I can, and without any hard work on your part, but it would require military grade brainwashing methods.

Change is hard work... for the person wanting to change.
2007-04-11 7:56 am
Your gonna have to kick your own butt. Join the Military that will solve your problem.
2007-04-11 7:58 am
I'd answer you but I to am too lazy to think up the answer.
2007-04-11 8:07 am
Your thought has already answered your question.
2007-04-11 8:00 am
If you want to stop being lazy-forget your last sentence. I see you don't have a positive attitude to work,but the truth is that we must work anyway-you have to do it....hmmm I would exercise really,and play sports,all the while setting goals that I could reach. When you begin to feel the satisfaction that comes with it maybe you might forget your laziness...
參考: my temporary laziness sometimes :P
2007-04-11 10:58 am
Sorry dude, I am too tired to get off this chair.....
2007-04-11 8:12 am
You seem to enjoy being lazy. Why stop? In fact, if I were you I would find more things to do to be lazy. Stay in bed as long as you can, take more naps...

Enjoy life the lazy way!
2007-04-11 8:00 am
1.turn on american idol

2.wait for Sanjaya Malakar to come on


you are now cured...you will never watch TV again for fear of his Hula-Hooping Teenie Bopper Voice
2007-04-11 7:59 am
ok ill try modivation, stop bieng lazy or you will get fat and die a slow painful death, does that help.

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