i'm a shy person and i'm too afraid of telling the one i love that i actually love her?

2007-04-11 12:42 am

回答 (7)

2007-04-11 1:17 am
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Okay shy guy, here's the straight poop. If you are in love with a woman, then she will know. She will know by how you do things, how considerate you are, what things you do for her.

You do not come straight out an tell her you love her... Why not? Because she will feel obligated to respond on your level, and maybe she's not ready yet... You'll be making her very uncomfortable. She may feel she needs to reject you.

Instead plan some interesting dates. Then try some romantic dates - - like walks in a park. Then just hang out together. Grow comfortable together. The time to tell her you love you will seem more natural then.

And finally, work on your shyness. Shyness isn't good. It means you are not happy being yourself. It means you are insecure. A woman wants her man to be a pillar of strength, confident, charming, and noble. That's the ticket.
2007-04-11 7:59 am
i say just go for it!!!!! wat if she is feeling the same way, and you never know it?? what if you have to spend the rest of your life wondering???
2007-04-11 8:00 am
I grew up as a shy person, and I found it very difficult to live like this. I have improved a lot though. The reason you're shy is because you're afraid of getting rejected. You first need to know how to handle rejection. Think about this - rejection is part of our life. Also, have you done anything to prove her that you love her? or you just want to tell her that you love her out of nowhere? Does she know that you love her? I hope I have provided you some insights of what your next step is.
2007-04-11 7:54 am
I think a lot depends on what your current relationship is now. My suggestion for someone you are very close to and in an established relationship with would be very different than if it's someone you know more casually and feel very strongly about. Because if it's the latter you don't want to scare them off.

Without knowing more, I'd say to find ways either by telling her, or with cards/gifts such as a book etc, of letting her know how much you appreciate her or how much she matters to you. Then see how that goes and make take it from there. Actually either way that could be a good and comfortable lead in. And when I said gifts I was thinking of maybe a friendship book or some pretty but not sappy plaque that talks about a special friend.

I'd just take it slow, start putting it out there, and bet this will help you feel closer and more comfortable. Then when it's right, it won't be so hard! Best of luck with it!
2007-04-11 7:52 am
If you know her e-mail then you can mail her. Stay anonymous for a day or two and then finally tell her who you are. I tried that, but i wasn't very lucky, but you probaly have a better chance then me.
2007-04-11 7:50 am
My husband doesn't always say it, however he surprises me with cards that tell me how he feels. It is also through his actions that I know.
2007-04-11 7:48 am
You could get her flowers and write "I love you" on the card. Then when she thanks you for the flowers, she may say she loves to too. It is easier to say when you know that they will say it back.

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