What do you do when you don't know what to do?

2007-04-10 10:56 pm
I desire & need so much in my life. I try to think positive everyday, but my mind is so confused these days I don't know what to do. How does a person retrain them self to be better at everything they attempt in life.

How does a person stay positive when they have so much that hinders them, mostly medically, mentally & some physically. ( I have chronic fatigue & hypo-myopathy)

I have been battling myself off & on since 1989 to study & take the GED test so I could accomplish the one thing that would mean so much to me. I decided to attempt again with a goal of August 2007 to take & past it. Unfortunately, my brain is NOT absorbing the important things I need to learn. How do I overcome this?

I don't want to give up again because, I am so tired of failure. Any logical suggestions to help with the memory & concentration issues.

I NEED this to be able to prove to myself I can accomplish my goals I set for myself in life.

回答 (10)

2007-04-10 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Honestly, What I suggest to make sure it's less than a storybook answer is to get self-help tapes, like Tony Robbins or Wayne Dyer, and listen to them everyday. Not only do these make sure that I'm being the best that I can be and that I'm flying everyday, but they also make sure I'm staying focused on my goals and that I'm getting what I really want out of life. I know it'd be an amazing experience for you. If you want to borrow mine, just ask.
2007-04-11 7:08 am
My question to you is why your brain can't absorb the information? Nothing is wrong with you; you're fine. There just some obstacles in your paths, and you need to clearly *identify* them and be honest to yourself. Find out what the problems are that prevent you from absorbing the learning material. List them one by one and knock it out.
2007-04-19 5:55 am
You are too focused on you. You are too inward and you think you see yourself as others see you and you are most likely wrong. Don't compare yourself to others. Don't think that everyone is looking at you and judging you because they're not. Other people have their own lives and they're very full. Try having a good time. Try sports and social activities without trying to make other people love you. Do it for you!
Remember that your a human like millions of others and and not different. All of us want others to like us, but that ain't going to happen. So, just stop trying to get others approval.
2007-04-19 5:24 am
don't give up. never give up. never ever give up.
2007-04-19 5:01 am
Wow! I really feel for you. Yes, you have much going against you. I suggest you make a list of what you have going for you. A GED might be nice, but it might be too much to bite off at one time. I don't know your living situation but if you are able to take just a single class in any topic you like...and work at it. Do well! I believe you can do it!
Try it again with another course and then maybe two.
Hang in there.
參考: The school of hard knocks.
2007-04-19 2:09 am
Are you depressed? That could be a reason why you are having a hard time absorbing the information or it could be a medication that you are on for your other ailments. Instead of beating yourself up about this I would see a different doctor and explain to him what was going on. It could be that there is a physical explanation and that this could be remedied by antidepressants or changing your current medications.
If this is not the case, then you should try to make learning fun and applicable to life or find out how you learn (visual, auditory, kinesthenic). Try Ldpride.net or some of the other sights out there.
Good luck.
2007-04-18 4:45 am
You sound EXACTLY like my sister. You NEED to focus and concentrate. Find out what your weaknesses are and then find someone who can help you with them. If you have close family, bring them closer for more support (it sounds like you need it). Then engage in an activity that you are passionate about. If you don't have one, I can give you plenty! Take a trip or vacation...it sounds like you may be bored of your surroundings! Think about your spiritual life. Do you believe in God? Ask yourself if your life will be over when you die or if you will go to some other place.

As I have said before, there is too much to think about and too many questions in life to waste it on being confused and unhappy.
2007-04-17 7:38 pm
it takes time to retrain and help from a life coach to give you attainable goals
Ask your tutors if there could be an extension given for this qualification on assignments because of your medical condition
2007-04-11 6:05 am
When you reach the point of not knowing what else to do or in which direction to go, try praying for God to show you the way He wants you to go. God waits patiently while we attempt to do things ourselves and watches as we keep making the problems worse. Ask Him to show you the way and follow His leading-and it is amazing how much better everything works when God is clearing the way for us.
2007-04-11 6:05 am
sorry i can't really help but i wanted to remind you of a few things.
we can only be good at one thing at a time.
the person in life we each dissapoint the most is ourselves.
ask an honset person (not in a direct way) if they see you the same way as you see yourself.

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