a troll in runescape

2007-04-11 6:43 am
any member in runescape can tell how hard can the rock(troll) hit, bacause i want to beat him, but my prayer is just lvl.38 and my combat level is lvl.65.i really want grantie weapon!!!my user is xtream007 add me in friend list.my fishing and cooking is lvl.61.

回答 (2)

2007-04-11 9:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
你想去打 troll 既話, 你要去 troll stronghold 或者係 Fremennik isles 先有你所講
會跌 grantie shield 既 trolls, 不過我真係唔記得 troll stronghold 要唔要做 quest
先可以打因為有一隻叫 "Troll spectator" 係在 troll stronghold 某一個地方, 至少
Troll general 就要你做 quest 先至可以入去一個地方打佢, 至少 ice trolls 就要你
做 Fremennik isles quest 既時候去到該小島先可以打到佢地

Troll spectator 圖 link

Troll general 圖 link

Ice trolls 圖 link

至於你問用石仔攻擊你既 troll 最高可以打你 6-8 hp, 不過無論你在 troll stronghold
或者係 fremennik isles 兩個地方既係 multi combat, 所以你唔係只得一隻 trolls 打你
2007-04-12 1:53 am
They hit around 6-8, but if you fight those, I don't suggest you to fight close, I would suggest you to use magic, ranged, or halberd attack instead, use those weapon and hide behind some low stuff, it can avoid their melee attacks. But for your level, I would suggest you to bring some potion, such as stat restore, Saradomin Brew, range pot (for ranger), super strength pot (for melee), otherwise you aren't going to fight an hour -.-"

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