Computer:What is the difference between FTP,HTTP and TCP/IP?

2007-04-11 6:31 am
What is the difference between FTP,HTTP and TCP/IP?
Could anyone explain it in detail, either in chinese or english?

回答 (2)

2007-04-11 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
FTP and HTTP refers to the Application Layer (Layer 7 in the OSI model), TCP refers to the Transport Layer (Layer 4 in the OSI model) and IP refers to the Network Layer (Layer 3 in the OSI model) You can refer to this page for more detail.

In short, both FTP and HTTP are using TCP to transfer data through IP.

FTP and HTTP differs in that FTP is solely designed for transferring file, which means that it has better performance in this area over HTTP. HTTP is designed to transfer hypertext.
參考: me
2007-04-11 6:58 am

FTP = File Transfer Protocol
HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
TCP/IP = ???

FTP 是一種協議或方法, 在接駁了的電腦之間, 做傳送檔案.
HTTP 是一種協議或方法, 在伺服器端請求資訊, 把資訊傳回客戶端, 在瀏覽器上顯示出來. 早期都是文字或圖片, 由於技術上的進步, 可嵌入其他的程式語言. 在瀏覽器上, 大大增加了互動性.

TCP/IP 是其中一種傳輸資料的方式/語言. 要跟其他電腦作溝通. 首先要有共通的語言, 否則的話, 雞同鴨講, 不會明白. 好像你說英語或普通話.

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