I'm thinking of giving up my job ! 呢句有咩問題 ?

2007-04-11 5:59 am
I'm thinking [of ] giving up my job !
為什麼要用 of ,

I'm thinking to give up my job !

回答 (3)

2007-04-11 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
thinking of 解作"想"咁解, 無太認真考慮
I'm thinking of giving up my job
意思係: 我唸緊遲唔遲工/我有意途遲工

I'm thinking of buying this watch - 我唸緊買唔買呢隻錶/我想買呢隻錶
We're thinking of throwing a party in the office - 我地唸緊想在公司裡搞個party

唔會係thinking to架, 但如果thinking係noun就得
Students are trained to use logical thinking to solve computer problems.
2007-04-11 6:21 am
I am thinking of giving up my job.


I am thinking about giving up my job.

Either one is acceptable.

I'm thinking to give up my job ! This does not sound right.
No one would say that in the US.
2007-04-11 6:12 am
Maybe you can use

I'm thinking about give up my job!
參考: myself

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