
2007-04-11 2:15 am
唔該幫我用200-300字作一篇關於袋鼠嘅文ah, 我要原作, 唔要抄ga!!!!!!


回答 (5)

2007-04-11 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please do your homeworks by yourself.
If we help you to do this home work ,
you can't learn any thing
so please you do your homework youself .....
參考: I can tell you is me
2007-04-11 9:38 pm
Think by yourself..
You can write about 袋鼠s' 生活/習性
oR you can write a story about 袋鼠(think by your imagination←想像力)
參考: 大你少少...F.1
2007-04-11 6:04 am
Please do your homeworks by yourself. You don't allow me to copy and I don't have much time so I won't help you to do your homeworks seriously.
參考: Me!
2007-04-11 3:30 am
i recommend you to brainstorm by searching via yahoo or google engines. its easy and thats the wrong attitude coming here and asking someone to do the homework for you.
2007-04-11 3:06 am

you should do homeworks yourself.....

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