英文一問 (翻釋+被動句)

2007-04-11 12:49 am

仲有想要多d關於英文被動句ge info

回答 (2)

2007-04-11 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I'm taking taxi now.
2. I'm now at bus station.
3. I'm going to bus station now.
4. Is Picasso a basketball player?

被動句passive form
Object 会在前面,变成subject

He kicks the ball. -active form
The ball is kicked by him. -passive form

I write a letter.
The letter is written by me.

is/are/was/were 后面要放past participle( verb ends with -ed/-en)

The key is put under the carpet.
The books are arranged in the bookshelf.
He was bitten by dog.
All the doors in side the house were locked .

**the objects become subjects in passive form.

At 和 In

At - used when we think of a place as a point.
在 x 的地方。

I stay at my uncle's house.
I meet you at the bus station.
I wait you at the railway station.

In - used when we think of a place as an area.
在 一个地区里面的
I stay in Hong Kong. (在香港里面的)
I walk in a park. 我在公园内散步。
She is in my room. 她在(我的房间= 一个地区)里面。

咁我係SCHOOL 呢?

2007-04-11 00:54:26 補充:
I am studying at school. 我在学校读书 (学校= 一个地点)He is at university.There is a swimming pool in my school.在我学校的范围里面有一个游泳池I stayed at the Golden Hotel. ( 一个地点)There are 50 rooms in the Golden Hotel. (一个大厦的范围里面)I live at 13 Hong Kong Street. (我住在香港街的第13号门牌)I live in Hong Kong Street. (我住在香港街)
2007-04-11 1:02 am
1. I am on a taxi/cab.
cab係美國o既俚語(slang), 比較口語化

2. I am at the bus station/stop.
如果係總站, 可用bus terminal.

3. I am going to the bus station/stop.

4. Is Picasso a basketball player?

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