
2007-04-11 12:40 am
我想問點樣把英文口語學好呀, 本人現在讀大學四年級, 平日是用英語授課的, 敎材也是英語, 本人的英語聽力和寫作都ok, 但是偏偏講英文時就不是太好, 請問有什麼方法學好?

回答 (6)

2007-04-11 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try to converse with native English speaking people more often.

For example, take the initiative to ask if any tourists need hep or directions.
Chat with native english speakers such as your professors whenever you get the chance.

When reading English books or newspapers, read it out loud. Listen to more English songs and sing along.

Just try not to be afraid to speak in English. You will never improve if you don't practice.
2007-04-13 5:39 am
首先你要比自己一d用字既限制,要用多d phrasal verbs 同idioms,唔好用太多深字,口語最緊要係簡單易明.講野快唔快唔係太重要,最緊要有信心.跟著開始改善下你既發音,都幾重要因為.
小小提下你,千求唔好以為講得快就勁.你成日聽唔明外國人講野就話佢地講野快,其實唔係.佢地只不過用好多short form
2007-04-11 1:28 am
I have a special method:

If you have DVD player, try to watch any movies with the English subtitles on. If you are watching HK movie, you will learn how to present Cantonese in English way; If you watch the English movies, you can learn the 口語 they are talking.

Very Useful!!!
2007-04-11 1:05 am
1. 讀幾次,至讀得好流暢 (發音正唔正唔緊要)
2. 之後就留意發音,例如 "r"音, "th"音.......
3. 夾埋d正確的發音讀, 要讀流暢....
4. 再重覆咁練就會有進步

途中可以一路錄音, 你可以發現自己有進步^^

仲要聽多d其他人點講英文, 例如講o野的節奏, 高低音

參考: 老師教的
2007-04-11 1:04 am

因為你的英文聽力和寫作都ok, 所以你平日只要多些跟外籍人士談話, 留意他們的用字, 漸漸你就會發覺講英文原來比聽和寫更容易呢.

記得是要不斷的練習呢. 所以平日也可以跟同學仔互相切磋, 切磋呢.
2007-04-11 12:56 am
Some suggestions
- Speak more with foreigners
- Listen to English channels like raido/ TV programmes/ songs so that u can learn how
people express in English
- Be confident, don't put too much focus on grammar / pronuication. It doesn't matter if you say, "he go", "she go". People understand that even u make mistakes. But of course it doesn't mean you don't have to follow the rules all the time
- Read more so that you have more vocabularies or phrases to use.

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