
2007-04-10 9:41 pm

請注意, 我在問題所指的貨幣供應增加並不等於印銀紙. 例如: 貨幣可以因為銀行借錢給其他人而增加, 請參考貨幣M1, M2 的定義.

回答 (2)

2007-04-11 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
assume v 係 短-中期constant
q always hold in qf
2007-04-10 11:18 pm
when the government print more money, there will be inflation or a you can say a general increase in all goods + services, because, imagine everyone got more money, what will happen??Everyone will buy more (because humans' wants are unlimited, but resources are scarce. If the price didn't go up when more money are printed, there will be an inefficient demand happen, everyone are going to consume more with the same given resources, making the resources allocation inefficient. (e.g. poor can buy the rich stuff) And a way to stop this situation is to put the price up to suit the amount of money in the economy again, that's why there are inflation.

So, printing money is definitely not a way to make the economy rich, it just cause inflation.
參考: my knowledge

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