[[10分題]] PSP 3.10oea' 如何降至 3.03oec

2007-04-10 9:27 pm
想問下而家用緊3.10oea' , 因為想用3.03oec, 要點先可以轉3.03oec?

1. 所須file and 可以download到的網址
2. 詳細step by step要點做

3. 3.10oea' 轉3.03oec 有咩好同唔好? 已知3.10有四個光暗level

4. 唔要copy 人地d 文章. 我已經搵過好多forum, 如果你只係copy forum d 文章俾我就唔太幫到我. 只要關於問題的資料就得, 先其唔好copy一大篇我都用唔著的文章.

thanks a lot

回答 (1)

2007-04-10 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你有細心睇forum(eg.uwants)d post冇可能唔識

2007-04-10 13:44:00 補充:
OE to 1.50http://space.uwants.com/html/30/1469330_itemid_127180.html把 RECOVERY 資料夾放在 ms0:/PSP/GAME/ 下在 Recovery mode 中的 Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP 一項上按 X, 進入還原程式

2007-04-10 13:44:11 補充:
當出現以下字句時, 請按 X 進行還原QUOTE:You are about to flash your PSP.Press X to start. By doing it, you accept the risk and ALL the responsability of what happens.If you don't agree press R button.呢度睇3.03oechttp://www.hacken.cc/bbs/thread-86942-1-1.html

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