介紹香港 用的生字

2007-04-10 8:55 pm
寫一篇文 用的生字



famous please:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

things we can do in hong kong:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

special food:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




回答 (5)

2007-04-10 9:29 pm
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famous place-----ocean park,disneyland,big buddha...
things we can do in hong kong-----shopping...
special food-----dim sum,afternoon tea...

參考: 自己
2007-04-11 7:43 am
1. sunny in spring , hot in summer , cool in autumn , cold in winter
2. Ocean Park , Disney , Causeway bay ......
3. Swimming , Shopping , You can buy many delicious food in H.K , You can eat many different country food : Sushi ......
4.Eat Dim Sum in Chinese Restaurant . Eat Sushi . Eat Pizza . Yuo can find all os f the country food in H.K .
5.Hong Kong is a good place , It has a different weater . Hong Kong is a finacial city , so many people come to H.K . Hong Kong has a good transportation , you can go every where . Hong kong also is a shopping center , you can buy many things for a cheap price .
6. 中轉英:香港是一個購物的好地方
Hong Kong is a shooping center !
參考: 0v0
Weather: Hot / Warm / Cool

Famous place:Aberdeen / The Peak / Ocean Park / Disney Land / Lantau Island

Things we can do in Hong Kong:Shopping / Eating / Visit Some Place..................

Special food:Dim Sum / Tea / Roast Goose / Wantan Noodle /

Other: (Sightseeing:Space Museum / Ocean Park / Disney Land / Po Lin Monastery /
Big Buddha / The Peak......)

(Public Transport:Taxi / Bus /Motorbike / Plane / Minibus..........)

2007-04-10 17:54:49 補充:
Special food: Egg Tart / Spring Rolls中轉英:香港是一個購物的好地方。This is the place where can go shopping is Hong Kong.
參考: 自己
2007-04-10 10:19 pm

famous please:DisneyLand,Ocean Park,Ngong Ping 360,AIA...

things we can do in hong kong:Shopping,eat,play...

special food:dim sum,tae,fish ball,stink bean curd,egg biscuit,pineapple bread,pigskin radish,stew ipomoea...

2007-04-10 9:00 pm

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