廸士尼 or 迪士尼海洋世界

2007-04-10 8:15 pm
2年前去過LA 既 Disneyland, 日本嗰個disneyland 會唔會同美国嗰個好似架? 迪士尼海洋世界大唔大架?又好唔好玩呢?

P.S 我 join 團, 所以要出發前決定

some people said Disney Sea is suitable for adult, some said it is suitable for children... which answer is true ga?

回答 (3)

2007-04-10 8:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案

- d game 係岩小朋友d, like winnie the pooh , 巴斯光連
- 卡通人物係同LA 差唔多,亦有mickey house 等等的人物屋
- 可能因為disneyland比較可愛,氣氛亦較sea 好
- d show 好睇d

Disney Sea
- game 比較激, 岩大人玩, 過山車個d
- 卡通人物似海洋為主題
- 地方比disneyland細
- 環境佈置得好靚

個人比較喜歡disneyland, 因為大d多野玩,環境又可愛d
參考: 兩個都去過
2007-04-10 8:39 pm
不過如果你2年前去過迪士尼,咁我suggest你今次去海洋世界,因為都好值得去的,去旅行梗係要試新野ga la!
2007-04-10 8:22 pm
depends on which day u will goto disney...my experience...disney ocean is smaller and less game machine to play...but the old disney is same as us disney...if met japan public holiday, they will all goto old disney..last time when I goto old disney...I have queued for 3 hrs for play a game....
also..I join tour as well..and i found that most ppl tends to play old disney...therefore the tourist guide will stay with the large goup ppl (old disney) and let the rest to play disney ocean alone...

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