f.2 maths

2007-04-10 8:08 pm
In a lake,there is a patch of lilies. The patch doubles its size everyday.It takes 48 days to cover the lake. How long does it take to cover half of the lake?

回答 (3)

2007-04-10 8:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
since the patch doubles its size everyday
total time needed = 48days
before the last double , the patch cover half of the lake
ie. it takes 47 days to cover half of the lake
2007-04-10 9:25 pm

Since the patch doubles its size everyday,
47th day is half size of 48th day,
i.e. half of the lake.
2007-04-10 8:16 pm
Answers = 47 days
it is becauce the patch double its size each day
it cover the lake with 48 days
let 2x be the size of lake
half of the lake = 1x

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