
2007-04-10 7:47 pm
我個名係choijensen(lv.20 ja)
我宜加得1k 唔夠呀
我通常會係world8 ga

3k夠啦 我用緊black sword

回答 (8)

2007-04-11 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. if u have 40 fishing. go to karajia(bring 60 gp 1 time). catch raw lob and cook.(u can not cook).sell it in 1 world(200-250 ea)

2.wc willow if u have 30 wc put it in bank . if u want to sell go to big bank and go to 1 world sell.

3.u done the rune quest in non -member.and u go to varock mage shop tele the mager. then mine some rune ess . they 15-40 ea

4. go to brb under gulid and go to get 10k(u should done rerovery question. u can do in main left side

2007-04-12 20:13:26 補充:
i can give you 3k add meusename:adg135873email wilsonhansching@yahoo.com.hk
參考: me
2007-04-22 12:05 am
練smithing同 mining,在falador賣o的ores同metal bars。woodcutting都賺到錢,賣willow logs。Fishing可以賣lobs250ea。比你3k,暫時唔得,我要用好多錢買rune(t) and rune(g)果o的乜。
my runescape username(non-member):shhhoi(lvl 64)
2007-04-21 9:37 pm
我用緊rune . i not have money , because i buy some rune .
參考: me
2007-04-21 8:26 pm
i can give u full black or full white if u r a member
參考: xtream007
2007-04-19 7:17 am

2007-04-18 23:19:26 補充:
2007-04-13 10:27 pm
I play runescape

user: aricaching1(lv43) I usually on this one.
user:babyarica(lv 13)
I like to go to World 1 and 5.

I can give you about only 500 gp. Sorry :)

Tips for you:

Fishing lv : catch it and cook it and sell it
Woodcutting lv: chop trees ( Trees, Oak, Willow ) Sell it
Mining and smithing lv: mine then smith and sell it to the General Store.( Remeber JUST SELL IT WHEN IT DONT HAVE THAT STORE IN IT )

others tips: you can take some food to lumbridge goblins then say: Selling Cooked food 2 gp ec

These are all my tips. Hope you like it
參考: Myself runescape experience
2007-04-13 6:02 am
l can give u 3k for free :add me :67g fighter~
2007-04-12 10:00 am

i can offer jobs--good payment,no rip off,some works no need much skill,even 100% no need

if u want jobs,find me--

or tell me how to find u

by the way,3k is quite less.lol,i can more more per day

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