現正under Scheme A,請問是否要完成master 課程才可以考 chartered exam?

2007-04-10 6:02 pm
I joined the HKIE Scheme A training programme ( Building service division) since 01 Jan 2006. I would like to know is having a MASTER degree a pre-requisite to become a chartered member? As I heard that people should have the master degree in order to enrol for the exam.However, I surfed the website of HKIE and it says that only a degree is enough. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

回答 (1)

2007-04-10 8:38 pm
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As far as I know, HKIE only requires graduate members to possess a Bachelor Degree from an accredited course, which includes most courses provided in Hong Kong. The case that requires a Master Degree should apply to those graduated in UK, which most courses there are not accredited by HKIE. The reason for such a rumor is that the Engineering Society in UK requires a Master Degree to enter their professional assessment, and HKIE accepts their requirements in also. Since you are already accepted to join the Scheme A, you can consider yourself qualified for the chartership in the sense of academic requirement. So don't worry!

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