Account-Depreciation 問題,唔該幫幫手!!

2007-04-10 9:12 am
我想問Depreciation個課,Exam同會考果陣會唔會問trade-in of fixed assets 或disposal of fixed assets 呢?

睇咗本書好耐,都唔係好明trade-in of fixed assets同disposal of fixed assets呢課





回答 (1)

2007-04-11 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果會考syllabus 2002年起無改既話, 會考係無trade-in of fixed assets, 但高考係有.
Trade-in係以舊換新, 而disposal係將部舊機賣出去拎錢.
Disposal既double entry主要有以下四個步驟:
1. To transfer the assets cost to disposal account
Dr: Disposal of Fixed assets
Cr: Assets (at cost price)
2. To transfer acc. dep to disposal account
Dr: Acc. dep.-fixed assets (amount equal to the acc. dep. of fixed assets that you disposed)
Cr: Disposal of Fixed assets
3. Record the cash receipt
Dr: Cash/Debtors
Cr: Disposal of Fixed assets
4. Calculate the profit/loss of disposal
If profit (ie.: Cash receipt>NBV)
Dr: Disposal of Fixed assets (Balaning Figure of the account)
Cr: P/L
Reverse the entries for loss.
Entries for trade-in
都係total有四個步驟, 步驟1、2同上, 但第三有少許分別, 我會分開兩部分講.
3a. To record the trade-in value (簡單來說, trade-in value係代表你部舊機可以當幾錢駛去換新機.)
Dr: Fixed assets
Cr: Disposal of Fixed assets
3b. To record the cash payment
Dr: Fixed Assets
Cr: Disposal of fixed assets
4. Calculate P/L
If Cash receipt>NBV-trade in value = profit
Entries is the same as above.

2007-04-10 16:25:53 補充:
會考同高考同樣有disposal of fixed assets.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:45:43
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