If Al Gore ran for president in 2008 would you vote for him!?

2007-04-09 11:51 pm
I am a republican but quess what, I would vote for him. He seems like the only canadate capable of stearing a country in the right direction. The only republican I have faith in, in this election is Rudolph.

回答 (36)

2007-04-10 12:01 am
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He did not do well in his first presidential election but he is atleast officially not running yet and he has delivered some real issues.

Rudolph is a businessman and if he does come in it will probably be the same senario but I wish Gore ran. He seems more authentic and if he goes abroad he will look like a real leader and will build all the broken relationships.

and Yes he will steer the country in the right direction.

I really think you are the one of the those real people who know what democracy is, even though you are republican you are looking out for the best interest for the country.

2007-04-09 11:53 pm
no way jose!
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
Nope...he is delusional. He claims he invented the internet for crying out loud!!
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
I'd rather vote for Elmer Fudd.
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
no hes getting into to much of this celeberty thing and he seems irrispossible.
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
No -- and I'm a dem....

I'd consider Gulianai though. We'll see what shakes out of the dem world.
2007-04-09 11:53 pm
Isn't anything better than Hilary?
2007-04-09 11:53 pm
no. I will go for Rudy.
2007-04-09 11:53 pm
no im 13
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
I don't vote for democrats and I don't vote for women.
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
OMG! Giggling like a fiend here. NO!! I would NOT vote for Gore. Gads.
2007-04-09 11:56 pm
If i could vote, id vote Barack Obama and Al Gore as a team of one Super President. They could do some sick transformer stuff and become one. Or is the Power Rangers, idrk
2007-04-09 11:59 pm
Absolutely not. We do not need a Chicken Little in the White House.
2007-04-09 11:57 pm
No way would I ever vote for that scam artist. He was a con man and crook in office and he has shown he has not changed one bit.
2007-04-09 11:55 pm
He got more popular votes than George W. in '98. If he managed to lose an election that he won, I don't think people should vote for him again.

We're in a different time now and while I like Al Gore, he's not running.
2007-04-10 4:10 am
2007-04-10 2:56 am
No, I couldn't bring myself to do this to us. I don't think he was a good vice-president.
2007-04-10 12:57 am
He's too fat to RUN for anything.
2007-04-10 12:15 am
No anyone that thinks man has anything to do with natural global warming ain't gonna be my Perez.
2007-04-10 12:00 am
I would totally not choose him as my best canadate but I am so for global warming. I wish everybody would help! He is a democrat ! i would not vote for him .
2007-04-09 11:56 pm
I don't know. It would depend I guess.
2007-04-09 11:55 pm
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
YES! I think Al Gore would do soooo much to help global warming!!!! It is a VERY important issue. I can't vote ( i'm only 11) but if I could I would.
2016-10-21 11:30 pm
Al Gore replace into part of the problem - he replace into part of the Clinton administration that did no longer foresee terrorism being a controversy interior the destiny, did no longer choose to pass after Osama whilst that they had him of their attractions... Al Gore has no longer had an unique concept as a results of fact the 1980's. he's previous college politics - does not understand his very own concepts, and if he did, does not be waiting to talk what replace into in that addled head. once you assert which you long for the fulfillment of the ninety's - basically undergo in concepts it replace into as a results of fact Ronald Reagan and the Republicans equipped up our national risk-free practices to the factor that we've been risk-free, till bill and Al stumbled on it mandatory to dismantle it. those 2 spent all of their time sweating out their in one day approval scores, and taking credit for a sturdy financial device that they had no longer something to do with springing up - Reagan's tax cuts and the dismantling of the Soviet Union helped enable for that. might desire to you think of the wailing and the gnashing of enamel that would have taken place if a Republican were interior the White abode whilst the tech bubble burst? we could nonetheless be dealing with Enron like trials and all forms of investigations... i do no longer see a single Dem with any guts or backbone or smarts adequate to do the job. Al Gore could have had us connect as much as that ridiculous Kyoto treaty that would have handicapped each US industry and thrown us into the darkish a protracted time... you are able to have Al, do exactly no longer unharness that loser on the rest human beings. You liberal Democrats have confident your self that 9/eleven replace into an anomoly that may no longer take place back, and it replace into your reckless, egocentric stupidity that allowed that to take place interior the 1st place. All bill's humorous corporation with China is the clarification why the great silos grew up betwixt the CIA and FBI - provided that they had the airborne dirt and dirt on bill. the girl who drew up the protocol so as that the two agencies might desire to no longer talk with a minimum of one yet another had the gall to take a seat down on the 9/eleven fee and blame Bush for all of it - Democrats are disloyal, and don't belong working this united states of america. Al Gore, please pass re-invent the internet, yet pass away this great united states of america on my own.
2007-04-11 4:57 am
NO NO NO I would not vote for him. It would be a disgrace to have someone like him in the white house!!!
2007-04-10 12:05 am
I'm a republican, and AL Gore, makes me want to peel bannanas and feed the monkeys. I do like Rudy
2007-04-10 12:03 am
Well I guess if he were president we would then get flying cars that run on water like the Jetsons and all war would end and all races would suddenly love eachother because he is the great inventor and peacemaker you know......

UHHHHHHH. I lost myself there for a minute.

Not just no, but H E double L no!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-04-10 12:01 am
A real Republican could have spelled steering. And NO I would rather have my family jewels ripped from my body before I would vote for a self aggrandizing POS like Al Gore.
2007-04-10 12:00 am
I don't know. if he is going to pull the troops out before the job is done, then no. If we don't let the soldiers, marines, sailors, pilots, and all others finish the job THEY VOLUNTEERED for (because they want to be there, obviously) the terrorists will come back. Do not think quitting the war will turn out good. The terrorists have not and can not negotiate or have any sort of mercy, and they have proved that over the 2 last decades. And they have also proved they will kill anyone, even peace loving junkies who can't think beyond their own emotions. If you do not support the troops by talking like they should come home before they finish the job, they will come home, in bodybags. They need 100 percent support, not some shitty "We support them by wanting them to come home" because that is not what they volunteered for. they went there to fight, let them fight with their citizens behind them all the way! Not with their citizens cowaring (sp?) behind them talking a bunch of half-baked emotion-influenced opinions that in the end will contradict exactly what they claim to want for the troops figthing for them.
參考: Me.
2007-04-10 12:20 am
I've done it before.

If his platform is good, I would be willing to consider doing it again.
2007-04-09 11:58 pm
Are you serious? YES, I WOULD.
2007-04-09 11:56 pm
screw u republicans i would vote for the black i forgot his name obama
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
I would vote for Al Gore if he ran. I think our politicians should be a bit smarter than the average person. Considering Blades of Glory is the number one movie in the country 2 weeks in a row, the average american isn't too smart and considering GWB is our president, the average American doesn't like smart politians
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
2007-04-09 11:54 pm
if i was an american citizen, i would.
2007-04-09 11:53 pm

I would vote for Hillary Clinton though.


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