Eating Grass?

2007-04-09 10:32 am
My 6 year old german shepherd keeps eating grass almost everytime she is let outside. even though she is an inside dog, she is let outside fairly regularly. is something missing from her diet or does she have some form of condition? thanks to everyone who answers! =]

回答 (13)

2007-04-09 10:35 am
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Many dogs, including my own, just love fresh veggies. Mine eat grass every day. I'm careful to only allow it where I know the grass is free of pesticides or chemicals.
參考: dog breeder since 1968
2007-04-09 5:42 pm
It is normal, dogs love grazing on fresh springtime grass, grass is part of a wild dogs diet, that is their naturalvegetable source , just be careful about using chemicals on the lawn, if I need to do I fence my yard off in sections and keep the dogs off for a minimum of 2 weeks
2007-04-09 5:41 pm
When dogs or cats eat vegetation, they may have an upset stomach and is doing so because grass helps to bind the irritant or foreign material. Eating vegetation may help induce vomit. It should be fine. Just make sure the grass she eats is not treated with pesticide or fertilizer. It may poison or kill her when she eats it.
2007-04-09 5:39 pm
there are t theorys of thought here
1.she has upset tummy
2. she enjoys mowing your lawn. my dog does the same thing,

3. boredom give her chw=ew bones greenines. ect
2007-04-13 5:14 pm
Apparently eating grass is nothing to worry about. All dogs do it and it helps their diggestive system. It sometime makes them vomit, and sometimes helps loosen their bowls.

Very normal, but be careful that your dog doesnt just eat any old grass, if must be clean as Chetco advises.

She lacks nothing in her diet, dont worry, its very normal.
參考: From experience
2007-04-09 8:10 pm
Eating grass can be a sign that your dog has a stomach problem. It is not uncommon for a dog to eat grass which acts as a cleansing agent in the bowls. If this does not stop within another week, take your gal to a vet and let him check her out. Does she any other signs of possibly being ill? Poor appetite? Listless? Sleeps a lot? Change of habits towards you? Eyes look glassy?
2007-04-09 7:19 pm
she might has stomach issues or lack of vitamins.
2007-04-09 7:05 pm
I would ask - What type of food are you feeding?

Dogs do this often as you have read in other answers, which generally are correct about upset stomachs or dog just needs to chew a bit.
Look at the ingredients in your food and make sure they are using high quality specific meat proteins. Not too much in grains if any at all, fresh fruits and vegetables.

I use Orijen and my dogs and cats love it:
2007-04-09 6:20 pm
I think you give her pasta, especially spaghetti for her upset tummy. because pasta is the best cleaner for her tummy. I tried.
2007-04-09 6:10 pm
the grass sometime are so called their medicine when they get sick =)
2007-04-09 5:49 pm
here are some suggestions

1)something might be missing from its regular diet
2)it likes eat grass
3)tired of normal food it usually eat

that is all i can think if, but just give it some more new things to eat, and make sure no bugs are on/in the grass and no chemicals whatsoever, and, u can also bring grass IN the house for it to chew peacefully.
2007-04-09 5:42 pm
get your pet checked for stomach and intestinal ailments'infections .
Normally dogs eat grass for self healing these troubles .
All the best .
2007-04-09 5:38 pm
Mine do this quite often, sometimes they eat it when their tummies are upset, but it has great nutritional values too.

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