
2007-04-10 7:17 am

回答 (3)

2007-04-11 6:07 am
1) No ar. 就咁著件有 Bra Pad 的泳衣就 OK.
2) Shopping Mall or Sport Shop 有得買

For more info, visit http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/girl-bra/
Hope it help la ^^
2007-04-11 4:08 am
1.) Sorry, I am male.....can't help =]
2.) Sogo, Jusco or Gigasports....
Brand: Arena, View, Speedo, TYR or Nikko
+1.0 ~ 100度 +2.0 ~ 200度 +3.0 ~ 300度 ..... +5.5 ~ 550度........etc.
*beware that there are sight refraction inside the water, if you have 300度近視 doesn't mean that you should buy +3.0 lens, better ask the shop keeper before you buy it

c if my opinion could help or not =]

2007-04-12 00:33:39 補充:
should be "-1.00, -2.00, -3.00...................etc"not "+x.xx"
2007-04-10 8:25 am
you jfxtny in my you and me ! ok?

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