toast 的由來(急!!!最好全英!)

2007-04-10 6:07 am

回答 (2)

2007-04-10 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
10,000 B.C.- Oog accidentally discovers toast when he falls into his campfire and burns both his right arm off and the piece of bread it was holding. Ugg takes joy in Oog's misery in the form of a nice crisped slice of heaven.

356 B.C.- An underground sect of Toast worshippers is formed - The Toaest Vndergrovnd, dedicated to the advancement of toasted products.

32 A.D.- Jesus Christ, in his search for a faith that will fool the masses, discovers the ancient sect of the Toaest Vndergrovnd. Thinking he has finally found what he is looking for, Jesus fully grasps the doctrine and attemps to spread the word.
Unfortunately, the people are both illiterate and stupid, and misinterpret his speeches for the advancement of toasted products as words from the messiah, nailing him to a big piece of wood because of it.

34 A.D.- To avoid the controversy surrounding their spokesman's death, the sect changes its name to the Toaest Clvb and change their slogan to "why not enjoy a slice of heaven today?", officially making the first advertising jingle.

1704 A.D.- After surviving the middle ages, the popularity of the Toastus Groupii flourishes in pre-revolution France. The French rename it "L'echange Toast" and change the slogan to "Le Toast - Ces't Manifique!" This slogan becomes the battle cry for many revolutionaries, and was heard quite often during the beheadings.

1754 A.D.- Champlain is heard to utter "I sure wish I had some toast"
while visiting the sight of Montreal, and "L'echange Toast" offically enters the New World.

1776 A.D.- During the celebrations in Philladelphia, a general overtone of toast predominates among the founding fathers of the USA.
Being Americans, however, they comepletely block out any and all doctrines of "L'echange Toast", forever losing it's influence in American History.

Early 1800s- With the coming of the English, "L'echange Toast" is slowly absorbed into Upper Canadian society, under the new name "The Toast Hovercraft".

1812 A.D.- Hearing of the joys of toast in upper canada, the americans invade, in hopes of capturing the secret of enjoying a slice of heaven. Guided by their love for toast, the Canadians push back the Americans into their own little country.
Most Americans remember this war as "Oh yeah, that little thing we did" and then try to change the subject to WWII.

1901 A.D- With the taming of the west and the industrial revolution, the toast hovercraft is finally renamed "The toast Exchange" after someone finds a french/english dictionary, and the original slogan, "For the betterment of toasted products" is reinstated.

1925 A.D.- The swinging new dance craze, the "toast" sweeps North America and Europe.

1939 A.D.- Hearing of the rise in popularity of the toast exchange in Poland, Hitler moves in to check it out. Upset with being beaten to the punch, England declares war on Germany.

1941 A.D.- The Toast Exchange's slogan becomes the slient motivation for the war effort in both Germany and England. The French, still upset over that whole hovercraft thing, just sit around and drink a lot.

1945 A.D.- When asked what kept him going through the war, Churchill responds, "It was thetoast, my good man. It was the toast." This quote mysteriously does not appear in his biography.

1963 A.D.- The Toast Exchange remains hidden throughout most of the fifties and early sixties, probably over the whole Aqua Marine thing.
The first public statement from the group came after the assassination of JFK - "It wasn't toast, that's for sure."

2007-04-10 6:15 am
吐司 (英文名: toast,又譯多士、土司),是西式麵包的一種,在歐陸式早餐常見,在香港的茶餐廳餐牌上也有,原料是方包,放在烤麵包機(香港稱作「多士爐」)去烘至香口,取出,在方包的一邊批上奶油、牛油、果醬等配料,用兩塊方包夾起來便成,是熱食的。



It derives from 12th century vulgar Latin, tostare meaning to "roast," which is a stem of the Latin word torrere which means "to parch, dry up, roast, scorch." The modern day word "toast" comes from Old French and first appeared in 1398. It means "to brown with heat." The word meaning "a toasted piece of bread" is first recorded in 1430. The toaster as an appliance was first used in 1913. The term "toast" was apparently first coined by Kohan Van Sambeeck, although some say that he was the one who popularised the term, and that Beau Ward may have been the first. Little is known about these two.

Toasting methods

The usual method of toasting bread is by the use of a toaster, a small appliance made for that purpose. To use a modern toaster, simply place sliced bread into the narrow slots on the top of the toaster, tune it to the correct setting (some toasters have more elaborate settings than others) and push the lever down. The toast is done when the lever pops up along with the toast. If the toast is not done to the user's liking, press the lever down again. Originally, toasting was not this easy; one of the first home toasting appliances that was available would only toast one side of the bread at a time, so the bread had to be flipped over half way through if one preferred both sides toasted. Bread can also be toasted under a grill, in an open oven, or lying on an oven rack. Toaster ovens are special small appliances made for toasting bread or for heating small amounts of other foods. Bread can also be toasted by holding it near but not directly over an open flame, such as a campfire or fireplace; special toasting utensils (e.g. toasting forks) are made for this purpose. Another device for preparing toasted bread outdoor is the folding camping toaster; holding four slices of bread the folding camp toaster is typically placed over a camp fire or open flame to prepare. Toast is also common as a comfort food, or as a baby's first solid food. Toast can, and sometimes is, placed in a microwave.

Toast is made using slices of bread and hence many brands of ready-sliced bread have become available, some specifically marketing their suitability for toasting.

2007-04-09 22:18:07 補充:
10,000 B.C.- Oog accidentally discovers toast when he falls into his campfire and burns both his right arm off and the piece of bread it was holding. Ugg takes joy in Oog's misery in the form of a nice crisped slice of heaven.

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