(40 分!!) Dilution 會唔會影響 pH value? + 勁難Chem 一題!!!

2007-04-10 5:41 am
HCL dilute 後, pH 下降?

There are two bottles of acid solutions with pH =2. One of the solutions is a strong acid and the other one is a weak acid. Suggest a simple method to distinguish the two acid solutions by using the following materials: pH paper, litmus, phenolphthalein and distilled water. Explain your answer and give a conclusion.

咁我想問多一點: 點解果兩隻acid都可以係pH 2呢?

回答 (1)

2007-04-10 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, you have to know what is pH

There's an equation:

pH = -log[H^+]

That is, pH is equal to the -log of the concentration of hydronium ion (or H+ ions)

Diluting an acid will decrease the concentration of H+ ions in the solution. As the concentration of H+ decreases upon dilution, the value of -log[H+] increases.

So, diluting an acid will increase its pH value but not 下降 (*** remember the lower the pH value , the more acidic the solution it is)

For the question, one of the two acid is a weak acid. Weak acid dissociates less rapidly than a strong acid (eg HCl) . FOr a strong acid, it completely ionizes in water while a weak acid only partially ionizes in water.

When diluting the two acid separately(with same amount of water), the weak acid dissociates less. Therefore, there will be less H+ ions in the diluted weak acid solution.
According to pH = -log[H+] , the pH value will be higher comparing to the diluted strong acid.

However, the two diluted acid must have a pH value greater than 2. THis is simply because the concentration of H+ ions of the diluted acid decreased after the dilution
參考: 莊啟程 ^o^

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