cant type chinese ar!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-10 2:42 am
i have 安裝輸入法,i go to控制台and have a look,in the list,have 倉頡something like that.
but when i turn on the computer,熒幕左下角mo keyborad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when i press shift and ctrl,no keyboard!!!!!

what wrong is it?? how can i do????????
my english is very bad,no chinese i will die=[[[[[[
please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have剔選語言列already......but still no "keyboard"!

回答 (1)

2007-04-10 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
滑鼠箭咀指住熒幕底條藍色bar中間按右鍵在工具列中剔選語言列, 咁個輸入文字icon同輸入模式就會出現在熒幕右下角(聲音控制的左方).

再用滑鼠指住個鍵盤或CH按右鍵就會見到設定進入後重設/加入你所選用的輸入法, 完成後按shift+ctrl便可變更輸入法.

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