冰山一角 的英文~~

2007-04-10 2:40 am

回答 (4)

2007-04-10 2:46 am
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冰山一角 的英文係 tip of the iceberg

原意為, 當船在很冷的地方航行時, 看到海面上有一塊浮冰的話,
就不要大意, 因為物理的原因, 浮冰下很可能是連著巨大的冰塊.
2007-04-10 8:15 am
1.tip of the iceberg
2.Iceberg corner
2007-04-10 2:57 am
tip of the iceberg
參考: me
2007-04-10 2:44 am

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2007-04-09 18:51:31 補充:
係 tip of the iceberg

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