
2007-04-10 1:21 am

回答 (4)

2007-04-11 7:13 am
setting 是指時間, 地點, 坐下.
參考: 0.0
2007-04-10 5:30 pm


1. 安裝;裝置;設定[U]
2. 鑲嵌;鑲嵌底座[U][C]
a diamond in a gold setting
3. 環境;背景[C]
an ideal setting for camping
4. (舞臺等的)佈景[C]
5. 配曲,配譜[U][C]
6. (桌面上一席位用的)全副餐具[C]
four settings of silver
7. 一窩被孵的蛋[C]
8. (日、月的)沈落[U]
the setting of the sun
2007-04-10 4:52 am
1. surroundings: the surroundings or environment in which something exists
2. level on scale: a chosen point or level in the operation of a machine
3. surroundings of jewel: the metal fixture into which a jewel is fixed
4. utensils: the utensils, napkin, table mat, and any other items placed on a table to be used by one person during a meal
5. arts period or place of story: the period in time or the place in which the events of a story take place
6. arts set for performance: the set, including props and scenery, where actors perform for a film or play
7. music music for poem: the music composed for a particular text, for example, a poem or hymn
8. birds agriculture clutch of eggs: a batch of eggs in a bird’s nest, especially a hen’s

1. surroundings: the surroundings or environment in which something exists
2. level on scale: a chosen point or level in the operation of a machine
3. surroundings of jewel: the metal fixture into which a jewel is fixed
4. utensils: the utensils, napkin, table mat, and any other items placed on a table to be used by one person during a meal
5. arts period or place of story: the period in time or the place in which the events of a story take place
6. arts set for performance: the set, including props and scenery, where actors perform for a film or play
7. music music for poem: the music composed for a particular text, for example, a poem or hymn
8. birds agriculture clutch of eggs: a batch of eggs in a bird’s nest, especially a hen’s

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2007-04-10 2:07 am

2007-04-09 18:08:55 補充:
參考: me

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