chinese white dolphins,,,呢個問題係10分架~!

2007-04-10 12:42 am
學校雖要做一個REPORT關於ANIMAL,而我就選取左chinese white dolphins做主題.我想問下大家一D關於chinese white dolphins既資料,方便我做REPORT,希望大家提供一D資料,不過有條件,就係要用英文作答,並且提供資料來源.最後我想大家比一D例子:比如講下chinese white dolphins既日常生活或者係佢地既外形等等...



應該係解譯先「岩 」,sorry

回答 (3)

2007-04-10 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Chinese beluga is in Hong Kong the cetacea animal which lives with the south China sea area, very beautiful lovable, the skin pale in passes flesh color, likes touring in Hong Kong's size islands tours, a their concentration area located at Lantou Island north of the waters, as well as regarding Long Guzhou and the sandbar waters, this kind of beluga is called the flesh color porpoise, has settled down for several hundred years in Hong Kong sea area oneself.


The Chinese beluga, other porpoises and the whale are a whale item of animal. A whale item of animal belongs mammalia, therefore has the common mammalia animal's essential feature, but actually and other mammalia animals are different: They live in the sea, is pregnant in Shui Zhongcheng and is born.
(Bottlenose Dolphin)

Porpoise and whale's distinction

Although the porpoise and the whale are a whale item of animal, however they 伋 have the achillea sibirica little difference, got down extols has shown between them some differences.

The porpoise and the whale major part lives in the deep sea, but the Chinese beluga actually likes in the shore shallow place, very little tours the deep sea. The Chinese beluga will carry on the different activity in the different place. When the rest or plays, they converge the collection to approach the sand beach the bay, but hunts time, they will appear in the shallow water and the multi-rock place. (Saayman & Tayler, 1979) in Hong Kong, the early time they mainly north of Tuen Mun, Lantou Island's size mill knife island, cloudy Australia, east wells up, the red wax angle, Australia, area Long Guzhou, the sandbar waters to appear and disappear.

Launches from anew the airport project, the beluga starts to the Lantou Island moving to the south person. The bamboo punt-pole bay, the size crow continent, Lantou Island, the Dalangwan, become known in the bay even Victoria port area Stonecutters Island, saw porpoise's trace.

The Chinese beluga's life coordinates the moist high water to draw back with the sunrise sunset's time: When the tide rises, is also precisely the time which they are busy with hunt, but they most active time is the daybreak and the dusk.

Echo localization

The Chinese beluga's all depends set of natural radars on sea motion, the named “the echo localization”. First manufactures the sound wave, is (prosperous volume) makes some small sounds by the forehead, after the sound wave launches, when collides to the nearby thing, will then have the echo, by now, the porpoise will use the mandible receive echo, by the echo size and the shape, then knew the nearby thing the position.
The echo localization may also use for to seek for the game and the evasion enemy, may also use for to feel the external environment and to communicate with the companion.

Life history

The Chinese beluga is the mammalia animal, their baby when birth has compared the growth to be complete, does not look like the method which the fish spawns to reproduce. Porpoise mother must be pregnant for one year to be able under the birth the small porpoise.

Is different what with the other on land mammalia animal when is the Chinese beluga birth, a other whale item of animal is equally likely the tail leaves first, like this may avoid the small porpoise meeting drowns, moreover, after small porpoise birth, porpoise mother will assist it to tour the water surface to absorb the first air, will guarantee the small porpoise not to meet drowns. The newborn porpoise attracts sips the mother tun hypogastric two side nipple's mother's milks to live. Usually a Chinese beluga embryo produces one, the breast-feeding period is six months only.
Newborn small porpoise approximately weight ten kilograms, long nine ten centimeters.
Porpoise's age may reach as high as five ten years old.
2007-11-24 8:07 am
網上的翻譯, grammar 錯晒, 文句完全唔通, 想害人咩!
2007-04-10 12:48 am
Not to be confused with the Chinese River Dolphin, or Baiji (白鱀), which has now been declared functionally extinct.
Chinese White Dolphin

Conservation status
Data deficient [1]
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Cetacea

Family: Delphinidae

Genus: Sousa

Species: S. chinensis

Subspecies: S. c. chinensis

Trinomial name
Sousa chinensis chinensis
(Osbeck, 1765)

Chinese White Dolphin range (blue area)
The Chinese White Dolphin (Sousa chinensis chinensis; Traditional Chinese: 中華白海豚; pinyin: Zhōnghuá bái hǎitún), also called Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin, is a species of the Humpback dolphin and is one of eighty cetacean species. The adult dolphin is usually white or grey in colour. The population along the Chinese coast is unique in that they exhibit a pink-coloured skin.[1] This colour of the skin is not a result of colour pigmentation, but is actually from blood vessels used for thermoregulation to prevent overheating during exertion. The adult's body length is about 220 - 250 centimetres and the infant's body length is about 1 metre. The average weight of an adult is around 150 to 230 kilograms.

The Indo-Pacific dolphins can be found throughout Southeast Asia, and they breed from South Africa to Australia. There are two subspecies, with Sumatra, one of the Indonesian islands, as the dividing line between the Chinese and the Western subspecies, Sousa chinensis plumbea.

The two subspecies differ in color and size of their dorsal fin.

The subspecies found in Southeast Asia has pinkish white skin and a larger dorsal fin but lacks the fatty hump of its South African and Australian counterparts.

Color changes in growth period
Birth: Black in color.
Childhood: Grey in color.
Youth age: Pinkish grey with spots.
Adult: Pinkish white and the spots will fade out.

[edit] Life expectancy
A Chinese White Dolphin can live as long as 40 years. The eldest dolphin lives in Hong Kong and is known to be about 33 years old. Scientists have discovered that the age of a dead dolphin can be determined by observing the cross section of its teeth.

[edit] Behavior
Chinese White Dolphins swim to the water surface to breathe every twenty to thirty seconds and after that they will dive into deep water again. A calf surfaces from the water twice as much as an adult. This is because calves have a smaller lung capacity than an adult. Adult dolphins can stay underwater for about two to eight minutes but a calf can only stay underwater for one to three minutes. On average, adult dolphins rarely stay under water for more than four minutes.

They sometimes jump out of water and expose their whole body. This behavior, called breaching, is often impressive to human observers. Besides jumping out of water, White Dolphins also come up vertically out of the water, exposing the front half of the body. They have a pair of protruding eyes and they can see clearly in both air and water.


2007-04-09 16:49:42 補充:
Because my words are too much,you can go to the website.
參考: Wikipedia

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